Nearly over

wow, that went quick! Seems only the other day we were buying presents and now they\'re all given out and things are returning back to normal. Had a lovely day at Dan\'s parents yesterday for lots of Christmas type food and a chilling out day, much less hectic than the first few hours of the day spent at home. Andrew very much liked a noisy police car he got... by the end of the first 10 minutes of playing I don\'t think anybody else liked it, they should make noisy toys come with headphones. While we\'re on the subject, what\'s the deal with this whole \"batteries not included\" thing, it\'s like taking a step backwards. Hi kid, here\'s your toy, but, guess what, you can\'t play with it, they forgot to include the power source. Good job we stocked up on double a\'s before yesterday.

Today is my family\'s turn, lots of turkey and an excited toddler, lovely. If the weather holds out (it\'s white out there but no sign of snow Sad) we\'re off to ferry meadows so dad can play with andrews new remote control car (he bought him), that will be fun Smiling

Oh on a technical note, sql is working, yay! Do you know what the problem was? Well to be honest I\'m not entirely sure either but setting up a new user and password combo seemed to fix everything. It works, I shall not question it, it doesn\'t matter enough to me I won\'t be running a public type server in windows anyway, this is just so I can play away from home Smiling

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