Roll on 2006!

Yes, I know, don\'t wish your life away but somehow seeing in the new year with a bout of flu doesn\'t seem like a good omen does it Sad I\'ve finally gone down with the bug that has plague half the city and it\'s totally horrible. Not a great way to finish my holiday and I\'m certainly not looking forward to dragging myself into work tomorrow although I have given in and not gone in today. It\'s a training day so not compulsory but I usually like to go in anyway, makes up for any days I have to take off sick during term.

So aside from feeling totally rank I have done very little since the last time I wrote. New Years eve came and went, did the whole grandparents thing on sunday but had to spend most of the afternoon in bed, guess we\'ll have to go over and make it up to them sometime soon. Yesterday was spent lazing on the settee, mostly because I couldn\'t actually move, watching the parents take down the christmas decorations and having hugs from andrew, he\'s cute when he\'s concerned about you.

Today will be spent resting and then hopefully I will be up and about ready for work tomorrow. In a way I suppose it\'s better to get being ill over and done with now rather than go down with something during term time, so yay! Beee

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