
A lot happier than I was the other day you\'ll be pleased to hear. Still feeling under the weather but can feel myself getting better now so can put up with the aches and pains. Back to work tomorrow which I really can\'t wait for, being home is so dull, particularly when you don\'t have the energy to do anything.

Nothing really to talk about, suppose that\'s the price you pay for spending so much time in bed! Need to hurry up and get my course software loaded and running and start some reading. We\'ve been allocated our tutors now, tutorials down in Cambridge which is nice despite the early starts.

Dad\'s now seriously looking at Jags which is very cool, this time next week I could be driving around in a sage green Jaguar Sovereign Laughing out loud Will miss my granada though, they are lovely cars.... when they\'re working.

Thoughts are turning to summer holidays, what choice, what prices! It seems such a long time off but I know it will come around really quickly, where does time go?

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