
On the whole a much happier week this week... helped by seeing some snow at the beginning (Laughing out loud) and a very nice weekend at the end. Life seems to be ticking along a bit better now and goals are forming which is always reassuring. I\'m also beginning to feel a lot better than I have been doing although the cough seems to be hanging around, it must like my company.

M301 has now begun and already I have half the tma done (which is a good job seeing as it\'s due next Sunday!). Java installed, looked at, put to one side for being a little too daunting at the time I was looking at it... you have to appreciate that world war three was happinging around me - they\'re fitting new computers in the suite at school (very nice Dell\'s, super impressive). I shall have to have a good look at it all this week in order to finish the tma and prepare myself for the rest of the course. Roll on half-term and some serious studying.

Another thing that has made the week a little cheerier, I started back in the band and jazz. We\'re playing some really great things at the moment, both old stuff and some new ready for a trip to Marshfields primary (special needs school) in March. Really enjoyed getting back into things and I think it will do both my head and my chest a lot of good.

Now looking forward to band again tomorrow, having some fun with so extra stuff at work and all the snow that\'s forecast in a week or so Smiling

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