Friday already?

Another week has passed, not an overly busy one but stuff achieved all the same. You can tell I\'ve done much this week because I\'m absolutely exhausted! I think I must still be fighting that bug a bit (yes I still have the cough, and now a sore throat) as it\'s still zapping much of my spare energy. Not great for beginning my course but I\'m hoping a good run of things at half term will put me on a more even keel.

This week saw father\'s birthday, happy birthday daddy, along with a friend of the families 50th, which I will talk more about after the weekend (just in case Eye-wink). So celebrations all around. Andrew was happy, father Christmas had been yet again, that\'s the third time since december! Smiling He\'s really starting to talk now and, if no one else can, the families beginning to understand what is said. Sentences like \"fall on floor\" have emerged and we even had a \"car\" the other day instead of \"dar\" Smiling

The weekend will see finished assignments, party\'s and some chilling out I hope...

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