the bug is back

and it sucks Sad It seems I hadn\'t completely got rid of the flu thing and now it\'s trying to make a come back. So far we\'ve only got cold/sore throat/cough and throwing up but still the ability to go to work so I\'m hanging in there.

Been looking at hta this evening in research for a new project at school. How have I never come across these before? They\'re super cool. Lets you do all sorts of nasty things to computers and all you\'ve got to do is get the user to click ok just the one time Smiling We need file access which is the reason to look at them, seems they should do the trick and html, well, something I can do at least. Now I\'ve just got to look at file system objects... and consequently understand them!

Also successfully used some vba I\'d written a while back today to make my life a little more productive. It\'s nice when something you thought was a waste of time is actually useful.

Actually, on what I thought would be a totally sucky day hasn\'t been too bad. If I could just feel a bit better...

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