and after that short break...

Honestly, why is it that as soon as the network tech is offsite everything goes wrong? I go away for one week and the gateway decides it no longer wishes to dish out ip\'s. The whole network goes down, including the webserver where this is held, and there\'s nowt I can do about it! You try explaining how to fix a problem via text messages when really you\'re not sure what\'s going on yourself! Needless to say it\'s all up and running again now I\'m back, and hopefully it will sit nicely and behave itself while I stay. Roll on a new router!

Woke up this morning to snow... fantastic. Very pretty, very cold, nearly settled, all gone now Sad I shall not get down-hearted however as the forecast is for much more throughout the week. 4ft by thursday would do me nicely Smiling Tried to take some photos, just from my bedroom window, if they come out right I shall post them. Must get around to sorting out a proper photo album... still need to sort this site out...

The report writer is coming along although a meeting is much needed this week to sort out some of the finer details and glue some bits together. I also need to do a load of OU work this week, that tma is looming and I\'ve still much to do Sad

Back to work today, minus car because dad\'s using mine which should make for an interesting day. A super short term this term, 4 weeks 4 days, very weird. Really piles the pressure on the Shout so must put things into place for that as soon as I go in.

Overall, busy busy.

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