Learning when to keep my trap shut

I shouldn\'t have said anything about the pda, it alerted my existing one that I was plotting to replace it and so later that day it decided to present a cracked, and fatal, screen. So I\'m now pda-less Sad and still waiting SadSad

A pretty lousy week all around really, again, everything that could go wrong has gone wrong and all the expectations and promises from the beginning of the week have been broken. Not helped by the fact I\'ve got to do a newsletter mailing tonight, although I was expecting that one I hadn\'t planned on being so tired and having so many other things I wanted to do.

I\'ve been trying to get my laptop backed up all week ready for its trip to pc world tomorrow. Note to self: Why do you carry so much rubbish around with you? Is it really necessary for my laptop to hold so much music for example, or my entire photo collection? I rather think not but will I ever get around to transferring it to the other machine... ooh look, flying pig Smiling

The little bit of snow we saw this morning reminded me that I never got around to showing you the photos I took the other week. Navigate here if you wish to peek although I warn you they\'re not great - I need to sort out the lighting, they came out a bit dark.

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