Where did that go?

I\'m sure weekends are getting shorter, it can\'t be nearly Monday already? Quite busy this weekend really. Yesterday we went a visiting friends, seeing their new baby and generally being social. On the whole a pleasant experience although confirming how much work new babies really are, I\'m glad andrew\'s just that little bit older now and can go off and play by himself when needed.

Today was the dreaded trip to pc world, I am now toshiba-less for a few weeks although hopefully it will be back before next term starts. Quite proud of myself really, I didn\'t lose my temper once, which is quite an achievement in that place, and I stood my ground well, getting them to deal with all the hassle rather than letting them palm the responsibility onto me. There is no point buying from a place like that if they\'re not going to pull their weight when things go wrong. I guess I\'ve just got to hope that all can be fixed, laptops really aren\'t made to last are they?

So it\'s yay for the vaio this weekend, I\'m sure I can live with a diddy screen for a few weeks, anything is better than no laptop at all. Very glad I went ahead and bought this, it\'s one of my better purchases last year.

Oh talking of buying things, pda ordered although now outrageously out of stock Sad I\'m hoping a temporary glitch rather than full-blown discontinuation, it will be rather a hassle if that\'s the case Sad

Optomistic head on, better week this week I hope, busy busy with evenings out with the bish, band to play at marshfields and then a naming ceromony on sunday. Fun stuff Smiling

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