
We\'ve been learning about polymophic stuff (yes, that\'s the technical term), I\'m beginning to get it straight in my head however I have a little issue. Everytime I hear the word I think of a song we used to sing along to as kids, Polly Wolly Poodle. Makes me smile everytime Smiling

A reasonably good day today. The tma is moving along, if slowly, and I feel like I\'m getting to the end of it. Obviously in my usual disorganised way very little of it is actually locked down in the solutions doc but hey, who cares, I\'ll get there in the end. Ooh cue cool american lady \"You\'re battery is running low\", there are things about this vaio that are just cool Smiling Must search for a power adaptor in a minute but shall finish bugging you first.

Finally got my insurance sorted today so I am now officially a Jaguar driver Laughing out loud Very cool, very big, very quiet, very smooth...

Must sort out my router, it\'s losing packets somewhere Sad

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