Routers that don't route

Routers suck, windows connection sharing rules, usb modems go go go.

Yup, as usual, things haven\'t been running smoothly. As I think I mentioned a while back the router has been \"losing\" packets. Things haven\'t got any better, if anything they\'ve got worse and much more frustrating. After trying every network configuration I could think of, two different access points, switch in, switch out, different laptop etc etc I have finally decided to just ditch it altogether and go back to the previous setup. Fingers crossed problems are now resolved although I will believe it when I see it.

As Easter quickly approaches I\'m trying desparately not to think of all I\'ve got to do. Newsletter out tomorrow night, family stuff over the weekend, ou stuff next week, shout the week after, options input, tutorial... why do I do it to myself? Better to keep busy I guess.

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