
Well there we go then, I've finished, my degree is over, I'm free! For the first time in 24 years I don't have a long period of study ahead of me. I don't have to "research my options". I haven't got to "start school" in a few months time. I'm not on a count down to impending gloom and late nights.

It's a wonderful feeling Smiling Much better than I anticipated, not that I've really had that much time to think about it just lately. The last push of my project course was rather time consuming and a little more stressful than I'd hoped (although not quite as bad as I'd feared). True to my usual unorganised form I left much of the work until the last possible moment, spending my summer holiday catching up on the mammoth amount of study that had built up. This wasn't really through choice as last term, well last year, was perhaps the busiest school year I've encountered to date but it still wasn't ideal. I am under no illusions that I put my best into the course which will no doubt be reflected in the results. However I have plenty of time to dread those so for the time being I'm just concentrating on it all being over Smiling

So now I have to find stuff to do with my time, or rather I need to try and order the list of all the things I've been putting off because I've been too busy! I've already begun the huge task of working through all the photos that have stacked up. I have plenty of website work to be getting on with. The logger still needs it's upgrade. I have a hugemungus list of stuff to be getting on with at work. And, finally, I really should get around to finishing off all our wedding stuff, nearly two years down the line the relatives are getting a little bit antsy about photos!

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