Well there we go then...

Another week over! At this rate we\'re going to hit half-term long before I am ready for it. The summer term is always a busy one but the thought of moving into the second half soon is extremely scary, there\'s so much to do Beee

Another tma marked, not too bad although in the realms of could do better, must do some proper work on the next one. I am enjoying this course but wish I could devote more time to it. Certainly no where near ready for an exam on it and at the rate time is moving at the moment that\'s going to crop up sooner than it really should.

A lovely sunny Friday marking the beginning of a bank holiday weekend, a bit of exam invigilation this afternoon and I\'m home and free for three days... kinda. Babysitting tomorrow but if it stays this sunny I\'m sure I can burn off some of his energy with a football up at the field Smiling The rest of the weekend? Chilling out, doing some work, having some fun, avoiding human contact and enjoying the sun whilst it lasts Smiling

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