Where's the sun?

We are on the run up to summer right?... it smelt like snow last night! Not very fair considering I\'ve just bought some nice shoes for the summer and really want to wear them Sad The sun is trying to shine out at the moment but it\'s having to fight really hard with the big black cloud looming overhead.

A busy week so far, I\'ve got javascript coming out of my ears! Learning much, thinking lots, getting... well, somewhere, perhaps a finish is within reach Smiling I\'ve allocated another evening to it tonight and then tomorrow and friday must be ou days, can\'t afford to get much further behind.

Also a very quiet week with the sister and little bit away for a few days. Miss andrew lots but it\'s nice to have some space and peace no \"cars, kitchen, now\" every time I sit down and certainly no \"bubbles avee\" Laughing out loud

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