Chick Cam

This year the school became home to 12 eggs which quickly turned into 11 bouncy chicks. We were told not to expect any more than 6 chicks so there was immense excitement (I resisted the need for a pun!) when so many fluffy balls of yellow materialised. To capture the hatching and allow more of students to see it the IT department rigged up a webcam to stream to the intranet and tv screens. We've never had so many hits on one page as staff and students alike spent their days watching in eager anticipation for that first crack to appear. I hadn't realised how much the eggs move about before they reveal their contents.

I've had the clip below for what seems like ages but no time to do anything with it. Yesterday I finally sat down and put it together with the song that had been going around in my head every time I sat down to watch the chicks. It amuses me, I hope it does the same for you Smiling

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