
A rather small and grainy image (I only had my phone handy) but one which almost captures the apocalyptic scene of the storms last Friday. The whopping great big black cloud was directly over the school building, the view is from my study window at home. This is what I was heading into...

The cloud did a quick circle of the village after this and came back during the leavers speeches. We now know that the dining room door leaks when subjected to a large deluge of water and that it takes one principal, one finance manager, a finance assistant and a science teacher to round up enough site staff to sort the large puddle out whilst the RE teacher is reading an immensely long speech Smiling The lightening was spectacular as we stood under a tree in the carpark holding picture frames and waiting for the assisstant principal to find the keys to her car. The monsoon rain not so much fun as we drove to the pub afterwards but, hey, who needs to see the road when they drive? I like a good storm, that was a good storm Smiling

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