And Again

I seem to start every new post with how long it's been since the last, how life has been too busy and how I will try to post more frequently from now on. This shall be no different, other than it has perhaps been much longer than usual.

Things have been busy and lots has happened, I shall attempt to fill you in. I passed last years OU course with a distinction, yay! It certainly wasn't expected and I'm very pleased. Now all I need to do is ace this year Beee My project course is looming, I'm already working my way through some ideas, and I fear I am going to have a very anti-social eight months ahead of me starting in a few weeks Sad But it must be done and do it I shall. Wish me luck, I'm going to need it!

Sadder news, Benton passed away last month. He died in his sleep (in the most stretched out and awkward position he could, you should have seen the size of the box we needed) and has now taken up residence under our back lawn. I'm missing him an awful lot more than I thought I would but I'm thankful he lived as long as he did. It's not every day you get an 11 and a bit year old rabbit of his size!

Christmas has been and gone, a very strange and busy affair but enjoyable all the same. New year, too, has passed us by, no real resolutions this year, I don't think I will have time to break them anyway! Now back to work and as run off my feet as ever.

The honeymoon is nearly upon us and should hopefully be paid for at the end of this month. In preparation I have bought more new shoes and a brand new camera which I already love to bits Smiling I'm sure I will be boring you with many new photos over the next few months Laughing out loud

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