BinksUK's blog

Year End

And so another year draws to an end leading into what is set to be a newer, busier, year ahead. The last few months seem to have flown past and left little time for reflection or to take stock.


I've decided that this summer we're going to spend less time sat at the pc's and spend more outside getting fresh air and seeing the world we live in. Last weekend we had a gloriously warm and blue sky weekend. The sun was shining, there wasn't a cloud in the sky and zero plane trails to break up the overwhelming blueness. An ideal weekend to be out and about (and to test out the newly installed SportyPal Smiling).


(If you don't have a Windows Mobile phone there is probably little point you reading beyond this point!)

"Fantastic app that just, well, works. Hard to believe how much we get in the free version, good on Panoramic Software for offering it in this form but I wouldn't say no to a free upgrade :-)"

New Look

Ok so it's not quite finished yet but you may have noticed that the site has a fresh new look. There are three reasons for this. Firstly the dhtml menus, whilst pretty cool, were not mobile friendly, and I find myself browsing the web increasingly on this platform. Secondly I was getting a bit bored of the old look and it really was beginning to look outdated and, frankly, quite naff!

Black and White

Sat in the office yesterday, plugging my way through some jobs, when two students came to the door eagerly clutching some black sugar paper. They had been sent down to us by their English teacher because they were having trouble printing and thought perhaps we would have more luck. Ok, no problem, we can do printing. However, their request was beyong even our realms of expertise, they wanted us to print white text onto the black paper.


Well there we go then, after eight (very long) years of study I am now the owner of a degree Smiling For those to who it matters, to be precise I now have a Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Information Technology and Computer Upper Second-class (2.1).

Rain and Snow Mixed

It appears that the novelty hasn't yet worn off, what with the excitement of seeing windscreen wipers and now to be greeted with the image below this morning. Granted it's not my current location (which is currently showing mostly cloudy) but still, pretty Smiling


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