BinksUK's blog

Where did that go?

I\'m sure weekends are getting shorter, it can\'t be nearly Monday already? Quite busy this weekend really. Yesterday we went a visiting friends, seeing their new baby and generally being social. On the whole a pleasant experience although confirming how much work new babies really are, I\'m glad andrew\'s just that little bit older now and can go off and play by himself when needed.


Why is it when you\'re waiting for something it always seems to take absolutely ages? I\'m waiting for a letter to confirm I can order some stuff (don\'t ask). Up until now it was ok that it hadn\'t come because the particular \"thing\" wasn\'t in stock. However, now it is, there are 36 available, but I can\'t order because I don\'t have permission to yet Sad It is sometimes frustrating that the whole world doesn\'t revolve around me!

Humph of a day

I\'ve had a lousy day.

I don\'t really know why I\'ve had a lousy day but I have.

Maybe it\'s because despite snowing for most of the day it\'s now all melted Sad Maybe it\'s because it\'s really really cold (I really think they should invent warm snow). Maybe it\'s because I was too tired to get organised properly at work and too tired to stay behind and get on with stuff.

and after that short break...

Honestly, why is it that as soon as the network tech is offsite everything goes wrong? I go away for one week and the gateway decides it no longer wishes to dish out ip\'s. The whole network goes down, including the webserver where this is held, and there\'s nowt I can do about it! You try explaining how to fix a problem via text messages when really you\'re not sure what\'s going on yourself! Needless to say it\'s all up and running again now I\'m back, and hopefully it will sit nicely and behave itself while I stay. Roll on a new router!


Only a half-term I admit but a very welcome break all the same Smiling Time to catch up on some OU, sit down and learn about activeX, practice my saxophone and generally chill... bliss Smiling

Happy New Year!

Coincidentely the Chinese new year but an important date for me. No more \"first without\'s\". The end of a very horrible year and the start of some good ones I hope. Still missed, always remebered, never truely gone.

the bug is back

and it sucks Sad It seems I hadn\'t completely got rid of the flu thing and now it\'s trying to make a come back. So far we\'ve only got cold/sore throat/cough and throwing up but still the ability to go to work so I\'m hanging in there.

Friday already?

Another week has passed, not an overly busy one but stuff achieved all the same. You can tell I\'ve done much this week because I\'m absolutely exhausted! I think I must still be fighting that bug a bit (yes I still have the cough, and now a sore throat) as it\'s still zapping much of my spare energy. Not great for beginning my course but I\'m hoping a good run of things at half term will put me on a more even keel.


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